New features
The agent now collects CPU metrics when running under Node 6.1.0 and higher.
Node 6.1.0 introduced an API to get CPU time usage of the running Node process. We are now collecting this data as new metrics.
The agent now has a separate configuration for audit logging.
Previously the data that the agent sends to the collector was logged only in trace logging mode, making the logs unnecessarily large and noisy. The agent can now include this data independent of the logging level using separate configuration settings.
A new API method addCustomParameters() has been added to allow adding multiple custom parameters at once. Thanks to Austin Peterson (@AKPWebDesign) for this contribution!
Updated tests to run on Node 7.
Node 7 is officially supported as of the previous release, v1.33.0.
The shutdown() API now waits for connection to collect pending data.
When a flag to collect pending data is provided to the shutdown() method, the agent now ensures a connection to the collector has been established. This is useful when the Node process is short-lived, such as in AWS Lambda.
Added running the nsp (Node Security Platform) tool to the test suite to help with detecting security-related vulnerabilities.
Bug fixes
- The setIgnoreTransaction() API now works for background transactions.
- Fixed issue with synthetic result not displaying a link to the corresponding transaction trace.
- Incorporated new features and fixes from v1.30.4, v1.30.5, v1.31.0, v1.32.0, and v1.33.0.
New features
The agent now collects database instance information for Memcached operations.
This information (database server and database name) is displayed in transaction traces and slow query traces.
Improvements long-polling requests are now ignored by default.
Collecting metrics for these requests is typically not desirable since they are frequent and do not represent business transactions. Previously we recommended adding an ignore rule manually. Now it is included by default.
Improved test coverage for Postgres and MongoDB instrumentations.
New features
- The agent now collects database instance information for MySQL and MongoDB operations. This information (database server and database name) is displayed in transaction traces and slow query traces.
- Datastore instance configuration can now be done through environment variables. These can be set through
Bug fixes
- The agent will no longer crash the process when an express param handler is executed when a transaction is not active.
New features
- The agent now collects database instance information for PostgreSQL and Redis operations. This information (database server and database name) is displayed in transaction traces and slow query traces.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue with aborted requests causing the agent to crash in some cases.
Previously the agent would crash when the client request aborted before Express server sent a response and encountered an error.
- Upgraded integration tests to work with the latest version of node-tap.
Fixed format of external calls metric.
External service URLs will now be formatted the same as they are in the originating application.
Improved instrumentation of native promises.
Native promises now use the same instrumentation as Bluebird, making instrumentation easier to maintain and more consistent across libraries.
Bug fixes
Fixed issue with reloading normalization rules from the server.
Upon reset, the agent will clear the existing naming rules, removing any vestigial rules that may have changed or been disabled.
Fixed issue with key transactions Apdex metric.
Key transactions now effect the global Apdex metric according to their own ApdexT instead of the default ApdexT value.
Fixed issue with closing transactions when the request is aborted.
Previously, aborted requests would result in the transaction remaining open indefinitely. Now the transaction will be correctly finished and its resources freed.
- Incorporated fixes from v1.30.1, v1.30.2, and v1.30.3.
This release is the same as v1.30.2 except it has been published using npm 2 to make sure all nested bundled dependencies are included.
This release has been unpublished from Please use version 1.30.3 or higher.
New features
Added instrumentation of the param() function in Express.
The agent will now create metrics and transaction segments when the Express param() function is called as a part of a route. This also fixes an issue with transaction naming when the HTTP response is ended within a param() method.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with naming Express transactions that result in 404 errors.
Previously transactions were not always correctly normalized for URLs that caused 404 errors. The transactions will now always be reported with the same normalized name (e.g. "get /").
Fixed instrumentation of Express v4.0 - v4.5.
Previously transactions were not correctly named on older versions of Express 4.
- Minor upates to logging.