You can surface Kubernetes metadata and link it to your APM agents as distributed traces to explore performance issues and troubleshoot transaction errors. For more information, see this blog post about monitoring app performance via Kubernetes.
The metadata injection product uses a MutatingAdmissionWebhook
to add the following environment variables to pods:
Our Kubernetes metadata injection project is open source. Here's the code to link APM and infrastructure data.
Compatibility and requirements
To connect your applications to Kubernetes, you need to be able to deploy `MutatingWebhookConfiguration' to your Kubernetes cluster.
To verify that you have the required permissions, run this command:
$kubectl auth can-i create -A
The output for the command above should be something similar to:
If you see a different result, follow the Kubernetes documentation to enable admission control in your cluster.
Network requirements
For Kubernetes to talk to our MutatingAdmissionWebhook
, the control plane node (or API server container, depending on how the cluster is set up) should allow egress for HTTPS traffic on port 443 to pods in all other nodes in the cluster.
This may require specific configuration depending on how your infrastructure is set up (on-premises, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.).
APM agent compatibility
The following New Relic agents collect Kubernetes metadata:
- Go 2.3.0 or higher
- Java 4.10.0 or higher
- Node.js 5.3.0 or higher
- Python 4.14.0 or higher
- Ruby 6.1.0 or higher
- .NET 8.17.438 or higher
Set up the injection of metadata
When you install our integration using Helm, it includes metadata injection. When configuring the nri-bundle
chart, make sure you enable the metadata injection webhook as follows.
nri-metadata-injection: enabled: true
After deploying the webhook, restart your application pods. They need to pick up the required environment variables.
By default, all the pods you create that include APM agents have the correct environment variables set and the metadata injection applies to the entire cluster. To check that the environment variables have been set, any running container must be stopped and a new instance started. See Validate the injection of metadata for more info.
This default configuration also uses the Kubernetes certificates API to automatically manage the certificates required for the injection. If needed, you can limit the injection of metadata to specific namespaces in your cluster or self-manage your certificates.
Custom configuration
Limit namespaces subject to injection
You can limit the injection of metadata only to specific namespaces by using labels.
To enable this feature, add the following to values-newrelic.yaml
nri-metadata-injection: injectOnlyLabeledNamespaces: true
With this option, injection is only applied to those namespaces that have the newrelic-metadata-injection
label set to enabled
$kubectl label namespace YOUR_NAMESPACE newrelic-metadata-injection=enabled
Use cert-manager to generate certs
By default, our chart uses kube-webhook-certgen
to automatically generate the required certificates for the webhook to run.
However, if you've cert-manager installed, you can configure our chart to use it instead, which can make deploying much easier:
nri-metadata-injection: certManager: enabled: true
Manage custom certificates
Manually managing webhook certificates is recommended for advanced users only. New Relic support team might not be able to help troubleshooting this configuration.
To use custom certificates you need to disable the automatic installation of certificates when you are installing using Helm.
To disable the installation for certificates just modify nri-bundle Helm values.yaml
like this:
nri-metadata-injection: customTLSCertificate: true
Now you can proceed with the custom certificate management option. You need your certificate, server key, and Certification Authority (CA) bundle encoded in PEM format.
If you've them in the standard certificate format (X.509), install
, and run the following:bash$openssl x509 -in YOUR_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME -outform PEM -out YOUR_CERTIFICATE_FILENAME.pem$openssl x509 -in YOUR_SERVER_KEY_FILENAME -outform PEM -out YOUR_SERVER_KEY_FILENAME.pem$openssl x509 -in YOUR_CA_BUNDLE_FILENAME -outform PEM -out YOUR_BUNDLE_FILENAME.pemIf your certificate and key pair are in another format, see the Digicert knowledgebase for more help.
Create the TLS secret with the signed certificate/key pair, and patch the mutating webhook configuration with the CA using the following commands:
$kubectl create secret tls YOUR_NEWRELIC_METADATA_INJECTION_ADMISSION \> --key=YOUR_PEM_ENCODED_SERVER_KEY \> --cert=YOUR_PEM_ENCODED_CERTIFICATE \> --dry-run -o yaml |$kubectl -n newrelic apply -f -$
$caBundle=$(cat YOUR_PEM_ENCODED_CA_BUNDLE | base64 | td -d $'\n')$kubectl patch mutatingwebhookconfiguration newrelic-metadata-injection-cfg --type='json' -p "[{'op': 'replace', 'path': '/webhooks/0/clientConfig/caBundle', 'value':'${caBundle}'}]"
Certificates signed by Kubernetes have an expiration of one year. For more information, see the Kubernetes source code in GitHub.
Validate the injection of metadata
Deploy a new pod and check for the New Relic environment variables to verify the correct installation of the webhook responsible for injecting the metadata.
Create a dummy nginx pod by running:
bash$kubectl run test-nginx --image nginx -n newrelicCheck if New Relic environment variables were injected:
bash$kubectl exec -n newrelic test-nginx -- env | grep NEW_RELIC_METADATA_KUBERNETES
The expected output would be something like the following:
Disable the injection of metadata
To uninstall the injection of metadata, change your values-newrelic.yaml
file as follows:
webhook: enabled: false
After that, re-run the installation command.
Follow these troubleshooting tips as needed.